Who Am I?!

I am Sneha.

Daughter. Sister. Wife. Mother. Animal lover. Photographer.Vegan.

Cooking never came easy to me. Although I used to find myself in the kitchen every now and then when I was younger, I knew all of a handful recipes. Once I got married, I realised soon that I couldn't get away the limited kitchen knowledge I had. It also helped that my interest in eggless baking was piqued, considering the lack of eggless bakes that are usually available readily. Ever since, I am always on the look out for that odd recipe that is easy to whip up, more healthy than not, and tastes yummy as hell. A lot of people tell me that vegan/vegetarian food equates to boring food. Being a hardcore vegan, I am always trying to adapt non-vegetarian recipes, to make them suitable for consumption by herbivores, and prove aforesaid people wrong! 

On the photography front, I am actually pretty ok at it, even if most of the photos on this blog don't really let on. For proof, you can check out my work here. :0) You see, I started this blog after the birth of my now-9 10 month old imp of a son, and I am usually just glad that I manage to cook and take pictures at all, bad or not, with the little time he allows me. Also, I usually get to cook only at night after my husband returns from work, and photos taken at that time under artificial lights rarely turn out well. So, right now, I am just concentrating on enjoying quality time with my little boy, and promise that my photography will improve when I have more time to myself as he grows up.

Here's hoping that I manage to do what I set out to do when I created this blog, and provide you an informative and entertaining place to get great recipes and loads of other stuff!

Wish me luck!

Random stuff that defines me:
  • This is the always true in my kitchen!!
  • I hate odd numbers. I even eat my peas (and other legumes) two (or multiples thereof) at a time!
  • I love tofu.... anyday, everyday! That said, lately I have been a bit shaken by the number of people who have told me that excessive soy may not be the best way to go. Although the info is not confirmed, I would rather stay safe, and mix it up with other types of milk, eg. almond, hazelnut, multigrain, etc.
  • I HATE the word tasty! My best friend, Div, does a great job of turning me off by saying 'Tasty Chicken Curry Puff' a certain way!
  • I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE animals, and have three beautiful kittens. Well, they're cats really, but they will always be my kittens. Tabby, BGA, Book and Mickey have been with me for years now. Tabby was our first, and she was 15 when she passed away in August of 2010. That was one of the most horrific events my family has ever been through. The other three imps are 5. My dad and mom were awesome enough to fly them in from Dubai! I LOVE them (cats and folks) to bits, and we will miss our darling Tabby always.
  • I am EXTREMELY random, and have been known to change subjects several times in a conversation of a few minutes!
  • I also hate the word pluck! Its YUCK! They rhyme for a reason, you know! :0p
  • I don't really like cooking Indian food, because I think that its a real art form. Or maybe its just that I always manage to botch up the easiest dish!  I love eating it though!
  • I hope to own a business someday. I would love for it to be some form of photography cum bakery sort of setup. I am still trying to figure that out! :0p
  • I love Italian food. Its easily my favorite cuisine!
  • I love talking, and usually have to be told to shut-up!
  • I love vegetables. Grilled, boiled, sauteed, broiled, roasted, steamed.... anyway! Just gimme some! :0)
  • I write a 4-day a week column called Joystick for Bangalore Mirror, a Times of India tabloid-styled daily. I do reviews of video-games, and if you are a gaming-nut (like I am!), you can check it out here.
  • I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEEEE a good laugh!! This widget really cracks me up:

Here are some awards that fellow bloggers have been so kind to bestow me with. Thanx you guys!! You make my blog go round!! :0D

Thanx a gazillion, Madhuri!! :0D

Thanx so much, Suma!! :0D

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